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Robs manual for the computational genomics and bioinformatics class.

COMBINE Metagenomics Workshop, 2024

Pawsey, November 11th and 12th, 2024.

Workshop Location

The workshop will be held at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, 1 Bryce Avenue, Kensington WA 6151. The workshop is for registered attendees only.

Workshop Schedule

Please note: The workshop schedule is subject to change depending on how quickly or slowly we progress.

Day 1: Monday November 11th

Time Topic
0900-0915 Welcome and Introductions.
0915-1000 Introduction to metagenomics, Linux, and Bash
1000-1030 Bash hands on and practice: using conda
1030-1100 Morning coffee
1100-1200 Downloading data and filtering human genomes using minimap2
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1330 Introduction to methods for identifying species GTDB, SingleM
1330-1400 Hands-on with SingleM
1400-1500 Introduction to binning
1500-1530 Afternoon tea
1530-1600 Microbial binning
1600-1700 Hands on with binning

Day 2: Tuesday November 12th

Time Topic
0900-0930 Recap of Day 1
0930-1000 Introduction to methods for functional analysis
1000-1030 SUPER-FOCUS hands-on
1030-1100 Morning coffee
1100-1200 Viral identification using Hecatomb
1200-1230 Hecatomb hands-on
1230-1330 Lunch
1400-1500 Hands-on data visualisation
1500-1530 Afternoon tea
1530-1645 Hands-on data visualisation
1645-1700 Wrap up and summary


If you are using a MS Windows machine, please download and install MobaXterm before we start. If you are using a Mac, you are good to go!


We are going to jump right in with metagenomics, but here is a brief introduction if you want to read something while Rob is talking.

We have created servers for you with all the software and data that you will need for these excercises.

Here are some machines that you can use, if you don’t have access to a server:

IP Addresses:

Learning BASH

If you need more helo with bash, you can follow the Pony!

We have installed PonyLinux. You only need two commands to get started.

First, log into the accounts provided for you and then follow the commands:

Next type cd PonyLinux and press enter (or on some computers it is called return).

Now, type ./ and press enter (or return).

Installing software

Our first excercise is installing software using mamba.

Install conda, fastp, minimap2, samtools using conda

We will use all of these programs today.

Downloading Data

All the data we are going to use in the workshop is present on the servers in /storage/data/cf_data

Use fastp to trim bad sequences and remove the adapters.

We are going to use the Illumina Adapters, and trim out:

  1. Sequences that are less 100 bp
  2. Sequences that contain 1 N
  3. Trim the adapters off the 3’ and 5’ ends of the sequences

Do you remember how to download the Illumina Adapters? The URL is

Once you have downloaded the adapters, we can use this command:

mkdir fastp
fastp -n 1 -l 100 -i /storage/data/cf_data/reads/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz -I /storage/data/cf_data/reads/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz -o fastp/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz -O fastp/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz --adapter_fasta IlluminaAdapters.fa

When fastp runs, you will get an HTML output file called fastp.html. This shows some statistics about the run.

Filter out the human and non-human sequences.

The NCBI has several human genome versions specifically designed for inclusion in pipelines like this.

A. GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz

A gzipped file that contains FASTA format sequences for the following:
1. chromosomes from the GRCh38 Primary Assembly unit.
   Note: the two PAR regions on chrY have been hard-masked with Ns.
   The chromosome Y sequence provided therefore has the same
   coordinates as the GenBank sequence but it is not identical to the
   GenBank sequence. Similarly, duplicate copies of centromeric arrays
   and WGS on chromosomes 5, 14, 19, 21 & 22 have been hard-masked
   with Ns (locations of the unmasked copies are given below).
2. mitochondrial genome from the GRCh38 non-nuclear assembly unit.
3. unlocalized scaffolds from the GRCh38 Primary Assembly unit.
4. unplaced scaffolds from the GRCh38 Primary Assembly unit.
5. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) sequence
   Note: The EBV sequence is not part of the genome assembly but is
   included in the analysis set as a sink for alignment of reads that
   are often present in sequencing samples.

B. GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna.gz

A gzipped file that contains all the same FASTA formatted sequences as
GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz, plus:

6. alt-scaffolds from the GRCh38 ALT_REF_LOCI_* assembly units.

C. GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz

A gzipped file that contains all the same FASTA formatted sequences as
GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna.gz, plus:

7.  human decoy sequences from hs38d1 (GCA_000786075.2)

D. GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz

A gzipped file that contains all the same FASTA formatted sequences as
GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz, plus:

7.  human decoy sequences from hs38d1 (GCA_000786075.2)

For this work, we are going to use GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz which contains everything.

We have made this data available for you in /storage/data/human

Install minimap and samtools

This also installs the conda channels for you in the right order!

conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
mamba create -n minimap2 minimap2 samtools

Use minimap2 and samtools to filter the human sequences

mkdir -p bam/
minimap2 --split-prefix=tmp$$ -a -xsr /storage/data/human/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz fastp/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz fastp/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -bh | samtools sort -o bam/788707_20180129.bam
samtools index bam/788707_20180129.bam

Here is the samtools specification, and the description of the columns is on page 6.

Now, we use samtools flags to filter out the human and not human sequences. You can find out what the flags mean using the samtools flag explainer

human only sequences

mkdir human not_human
samtools fastq -F 3588 -f 65 bam/788707_20180129.bam | gzip -c > human/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz
echo "R2 matching human genome:"
samtools fastq -F 3588 -f 129 bam/788707_20180129.bam | gzip -c > human/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz

sequences that are not human

samtools fastq -F 3584 -f 77 bam/788707_20180129.bam  | gzip -c > not_human/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz
samtools fastq -F 3584 -f 141 bam/788707_20180129.bam | gzip -c > not_human/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz
samtools fastq -f 4 -F 1 bam/788707_20180129.bam | gzip -c > not_human/788707_20180129_S_Singletons.fastq.gz

Using snakemake

In the above example, we started with two fastq files, removed adapter sequences, mapped them to the human genome, and then separated out the human and not human sequences.

We can combine all of that into a single snakemake file, and it will do all of the steps for us.

See the Snakemake section for details on how to run these two commands in a single pipeline.

Assembling the sequences

Note: Assembling may take a while, and for the workshops, Rob has already assembled the sequences. We may, however, assemble some of them depending on computational resources!

We will assemble with megahit:

megahit -1 not_human/788707_20180129_S_R1.fastq.gz -2 not_human/788707_20180129_S_R2.fastq.gz -o megahit_assembled/788707_20180129_S -t 8

This generates a contig file called final.contigs.fa.


Counting the lengths of the sequences

We can use to count the lengths of the sequences:

count_fasta -p -f megahit_assembled/788707_20180129_S/final.contigs.fa | perl -pe 's/^>(\S+).*\t/$1\t/' > megahit_assembled/788707_20180129_S/final.contigs.lengths.tsv

Mapping the reads to the contigs

For this patient, we sequenced several different samples. You can click on the links to get each of the samples

Sample R1 or R2 Number of sequences Total length Shortest Longest N50 N75 auN
788707_20171213_S R1 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20171213_S R2 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20180129_S R1 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20180129_S R2 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20180313_S R2 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20180313_S R1 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20181126_S R1 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300
788707_20181126_S R2 125,000 37,500,000 300 300 300 300 300

Download each of the datasets that we don’t already have and put them in the reads directory. We are going to map all these reads to the contigs we have just created.

We are going to use minimap, like we did beore. However, here is a little bit of code that can run minimap on all of the samples!

mkdir bam_contigs
for R1 in $(find reads/ -name \*R1\* -printf "%f\n"); do 
	minimap2 --split-prefix=tmp$$ -t 8 -a -xsr  megahit_assembled/788707_20180129_S/final.contigs.fa reads/$R1 reads/$R2 | samtools view -bh | samtools sort -o bam_contigs/$BAM;
find bam_contigs -type f -exec samtools index {} \;

Generating a depth profile

Now we can generate a depth profile for each contig in each of the four samples. Before we do this, take a look at the output from samtools coverage from one .bam file!

samtools coverage bam_contigs/788707_20171213_S.contigs.bam | less

Now we iterate over all the files and get the first column, the contig name, and the 7th column which has the mean depth for that contig.

for BAM in $(find bam_contigs -type f -name \*bam -printf "%f\n"); do 
	samtools coverage bam_contigs/$BAM | cut -f 1,7 > bam_contigs_tsv/$OUT; 

We have created an example Jupyter notebook so you can see some of the commands

Identifying contigs that belong to the same genome

We are going to move the data to Google Colab to analyse the data and identify contigs that co-occur across multiple samples.

Predicting the species that are in the sample


take a look at the manual for detailed singlem instructions.

Install singleM with mamba:

mamba create -n singlem -c bioconda singlem
mamba activate singlem

Before you use it, make sure you add this command:

export SINGLEM_METAPACKAGE_PATH=/storage/data/metapackage

Now run singleM on the CF data:

singlem pipe -1 /storage/data/cf_data/CF_Data_R1.fastq.gz -2 /storage/data/cf_data/CF_Data_R2.fastq.gz -p output_profile.tsv